Sr.No. | Department | Headline | SR_NO | FOLDERNAME | FILENAME | Title |
| Energy Accounting |
Periodic Energy Accounting Report of Q2 of FY 2024-25
| 4090 | K. 6803 | Q2 REPORT VIDE THIS OFFICE LETTER DATED 14.11.2024 WITH ENCLOSURE.PDF | Periodic Energy Accounting Report of Q2 of FY 2024-25 |
| Energy Accounting |
Energy Accounting report of Quarter 1 of FY 2023-24
| 3865 | K. 1562 | QUARTER 1 EA REPORT FY 23 24.PDF | Energy Accounting report of Quarter 1 of FY 2023-24 |
| Energy Accounting |
Energy Accounting report of Quarter 2 of FY 2023-24
| 3866 | K. 7822 | QUARTER 2 EA REPORT FY 23 24.PDF | Energy Accounting report of Quarter 2 of FY 2023-24 |
| Energy Accounting |
Energy Accounting report of Quarter 3 of FY 2023-24
| 3867 | K. 4407 | QUARTER 3 EA REPORT FY 23 24.PDF | Energy Accounting report of Quarter 3 of FY 2023-24 |
| Energy Accounting |
Energy Accounting report of Quarter 4 of FY 2023-24
| 3868 | K. 7115 | QUARTER 4 EA REPORT FY 23 24.PDF | Energy Accounting report of Quarter 4 of FY 2023-24 |
| Energy Accounting |
Annual Energy Audit report of FY 2023-24
| 3869 | K. 5682 | FINAL EA REPORT.PDF | Annual Energy Audit report of FY 2023-24 |
| Energy Accounting |
Energy Accounting report of Quarter 1 of FY 2024-25
| 3870 | K. 2938 | QUARTER 1 EA REPORT FY 24 25.PDF | Energy Accounting report of Quarter 1 of FY 2024-25 |
| Energy Accounting |
Petition filed by both the DISCOMs for determination of service connection charges up to 150 KW for electrified areas" on the official website of SBPDCL vide Letter No1250 Dated 29.07.2024
| 3774 | K. 6173 | THIS OFFICE LETTER NO. 1250 DATED 29.07.2024 WITH PETITION.PDF | Petition filed by both the DISCOMs for determination of service connection charges up to 150 KW for electrified areas" on the official website of SBPDCL vide Letter No1250 Dated 29.07.2024 |
| Energy Accounting |
SBPDCL is pleased to invite bid on open quotation basis to appoint Accredited Energy Auditor/ frim / agency for conducting Energy Audit for FY 2023-24 as per Bureau of Enegry Efficiency Regulations, 2021 and its amendments thereof.
| 3564 | K. 5282 | SBPDCL QUOTATION FOR ENERGY AUDIT.PDF | SBPDCL is pleased to invite bid on open quotation basis to appoint Accredited Energy Auditor/ frim / agency for conducting Energy Audit for FY 2023-24 as per Bureau of Enegry Efficiency Regulations, 2021 and its amendments thereof. |
| Energy Accounting |
Annual Energy Audit Report of FY 2022-23
| 3260 | K. 1563 | SBPDCL_ANNUAL ENERGY AUDIT REPORT_2022-23_WITH ANNEXURES (1).PDF | Annual Energy Audit Report of FY 2022-23 |
| Energy Accounting |
Periodic Energy Accounting Report of Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 of FY 2023-24
| 3261 | K. 2541 | SB-BEE-Q2-FY2023-24 (1).PDF | Periodic Energy Accounting Report of Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 of FY 2023-24 |
| Energy Accounting |
Periodic Energy Accounting Report of SBPDCL for Quarter 4 of FY 2022-23
| 2994 | K. 3289 | THIS OFFICE LETTER NO. 571 DATED 30.05.2023 WITH ENCLOSURE (1).PDF | Periodic Energy Accounting Report of SBPDCL for Quarter 4 of FY 2022-23 |
| Energy Accounting |
Energy Accounting Report of SBPDCL for Quarter 3 FY 2022-23
| 2995 | K. 9402 | SIGNED Q3 REPORT.PDF | Energy Accounting Report of SBPDCL for Quarter 3 FY 2022-23 |
| Energy Accounting |
Periodic Energy Accounting Report of SBPDCL for Quarter 1 of FY 2022-23
| 2996 | K. 6921 | QUARTER-1 REPROT OF ENERGY ACCOUNTING FOR FY 2022-23.PDF | Periodic Energy Accounting Report of SBPDCL for Quarter 1 of FY 2022-23 |
| Energy Accounting |
Periodic Energy Accounting Report of SBPDCL for Quarter 2 of FY 2022-23 In
| 2997 | K. 6723 | EA Q2 FY 2022-23.PDF | Periodic Energy Accounting Report of SBPDCL for Quarter 2 of FY 2022-23 In |
| Energy Accounting |
To carry out the Annual Energy Audit and preparation of Annual Energy Audit report for FY 2022-23 of South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited in light of BEE (Manner and Intervals for conduct of Energy Audit in electricity distribution Companies) Regulation 2021 and its amendment.
| 2858 | K. 5757 | QUOTATION NO. 01 DATED 16.06.2023.PDF | To carry out the Annual Energy Audit and preparation of Annual Energy Audit report for FY 2022-23 of South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited in light of BEE (Manner and Intervals for conduct of Energy Audit in electricity distribution Companies) Regulation 2021 and its amendment. |
| Energy Accounting |
Regarding uploading of public notice in respect of rescheduled Public Hearing on the Tariff Petition for FY 2023-24 filed by South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited on the official website of SBPDCL in view of the BERC letter no. 40 dated 10.01.2023.
| 2577 | K. 2384 | HINDI SIGN RESCHEDULE PUBLIC NOTICE.PDF | Regarding uploading of public notice in respect of rescheduled Public Hearing on the Tariff Petition for FY 2023-24 filed by South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited on the official website of SBPDCL in view of the BERC letter no. 40 dated 10.01.2023. |
| Energy Accounting |
Regarding uploading of public notice in respect of rescheduled Public Hearing on the Tariff Petition for FY 2023-24 filed by South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited on the official website of SBPDCL in view of the BERC letter no. 40 dated 10.01.2023. English version
| 2578 | K. 2885 | ENGLISH SIGN RESCHEDULE PUBLIC NOTICE.PDF | Regarding uploading of public notice in respect of rescheduled Public Hearing on the Tariff Petition for FY 2023-24 filed by South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited on the official website of SBPDCL in view of the BERC letter no. 40 dated 10.01.2023. English version |
| Energy Accounting |
Response of Technical Validation
| 1660 | K. 1353 | RESPONSE OF TECHNICAL VALIDATION (2).PDF | Response of Technical Validation |
| Energy Accounting |
Modification in order for replacement/maintenance of Distribution Transformer as per decision taken during 97th Board of Directors meeting held on 03.03.2020 vide Office Order No. 394, dated: 30.03.2020
| 1400 | K. 6968 | BOD.PDF | Modification in order for replacement/maintenance of Distribution Transformer as per decision taken during 97th Board of Directors meeting held on 03.03.2020 vide Office Order No. 394, dated: 30.03.2020 |